Crowdfund Your Leisure Busines with
A new crowdfunding website allows operators and owners of leisure businesses use thepower of crowdfunding to setup or expand their business.
iCrowdfund comes from the iDonate stable, which supports over 600 non-profits with theassistance of over 7000 fundraisers.
iCrowdFund supports both donation and reward crowdfunding. An equity crowdfundingoption is currently under development.
The website caters for ‘All or Nothing’ and ‘Keep it All’ funding type campaigns.
All or Nothing means that the full target must be reached, or else nothing is received, whereasthe Keep it All option allows for any amounts pledged to be transacted.
The way it works is :
– a project owner registers with iCrowdfund.
– a campaign is setup with a target amount to raised, plus the duration for the campaign.
– people contribute to the project for the duration of the campaign.
– on reaching the end of the campaign, the systems processes the credit cards of those contributing to the campaign.
The reward option is of particular interest to the leisure business. Business owners could give a reward in the form of membership or credits to those subscribing. Those subscribing to the campaign are in effect a large marketing team, as it is in their interest that the project
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