Kayaking – Outdoor Discovery

Always wanted to try kayaking but don’t know where to or how to? Then you have come to the right spot with Outdoor Discovery where you can discover and explore Irelands beautiful waterways by kayak. Be amazed at the different perspective seeing the world from a kayak gives you. Relax in the company of our experienced kayak instructors and let them take you to some wonderful locations on the Royal Canal. Be ready for some exciting challenges and new skills to learn. Find your adventure with Outdoor Discovery this year.

Our Guided Kayaking Tours contain the following:

  • They select the right equipment for you and explain why
  • Explain what everything is: Kayak, Paddle, Helmet, Cag, Spraydeck etc..
  • Talk about safety on the water: Weather, Kayaking Experience, How many people is safe
  • Cover the basic paddling strokes: Forwards, Backwards, Turning and Stopping
  • Take you to some cool places we have discovered and to see some beautiful scenery
  • Play some games and have lots of fun
  • Learn how to fall out of your kayak (only if you want)

Equipment they provide includes kayak, paddle, helmet, buoyancy aid, cag, wetsuit, spraydeck

For further info and for bookings, please use the contact details below.
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