Boom Balloon
(Protect your balloons while trying to pop others).
Brand New for 2014, is bringing you the latest craze that is sweeping across Ireland – Boom Balloon
You are inside a Zorb ball and go head to head with the rest of your group to try and burst their balloons before they get you.
This is great fun and a must try for your hen weekend.
Greek Cuisine
Greek cuisine is a Mediterranean cuisine that makes wide use of herbs, vegetables, grains, fish, lamb, and of course, olive oil.
Greek cuisine ranges from very simple dishes like grilled meat and vegetables to complicated layered casseroles to delicate pastries sweetened with local honey. Greek food also balances the most eclectic tastes from the West with the raw and upbeat flavors of the East, thus bringing the best of both worlds to the tables.
Italian Cuisine
Italian cuisine is a popular choice for sharing with family and friends alike.
It is characterized by simplicity, with most dishes made up of less than 8 ingredients. These ingredients is given utmost importance and the complex method only comes second.
Since natural ingredients like tomatoes, garlic, whole grains, olive oil, and leafy greens are used, Italian cuisine has been as considered one of the most healthiest diets.
Pizza and pasta of varying shapes and sizes are the popular picks while cheese, wine, and espresso complete the Italian meal experience.
Condom Fitter
Each player holds a cucumber with a condom on top. The goal of the game is to unroll the condom the fully onto the cucumber using only the mouth, so only hand one should be used to hold the cucumber and the other hand should be kept behind the back at all times. The girl who unrolls the condom the fastest is declared the winner. Now, who’d have thought cucumbers can be this fun?
Male Model
Hand each player some play dough or molding clay and ask them to mold male body parts within 2 minutes. Extra points will be given for details and realism, so let your creative juices flow and try real hard to remember how “it” looks. To make the players use their imagination twice as hard, you can have the players blindfolded. This game is sure to make everyone giggle and blush.
Hen Night: Truth or Dare
Get ready for a night filled with giggles and laughter as you play the Truth or Dare. Give this classic game a hen party twist by using questions and dares that range from innocent to downright humiliating. This game is perfect for involving everybody and breaking the ice.
Prepare Truth or Dare questions printed or written on strips of paper. Fold up each strip and drop them in a bowl. Like Pass the Bouquet, you sit around in a circle and pass the bowl around while the music plays. When the music stops, the girl holding the bowl will then pick a paper from the bowl and proceeds to answering a question or performing a dare. Anybody who does not answer a question or perform a dare has to take a shot of cocktail or down a glass of beer in one go.
Lough Key Forest Park
The Lough Key Experience
Discover how this fascinating landscape has been shaped; from underground to up amongst the treetops, ‘Irelands only Tree Canopy Walk, a truly unique experience immersing you in the history, flora and fauna that make Lough Key so unique.
This is a self guided tour so therefore there is no time limit on your journey through time…… The beauty of this is that you can spend as much or little time as you want on this magical journey.
Guided Tours are also available at any time of the year for groups of at least 10 people.
The Lough Key Experience is fully wheelchair accessible and buggy/pram accessible. Please note that Dogs are not permitted on the Lough Key Experience.
On this journey you’ll discover how humans have shaped this landscape over thousands of years; you’ll be introduced to a way of life in Rockingham House that is now long gone and you’ll find out about the wildlife that thrives in these forests and on the lake.
The ‘Lough Key Experience’ is an engaging audio trail of the Park’s history, flora arid fauna through the 19th century underground tunnels, to the top of the refurbished 5-storey Moylurg viewing tower and along a contemporary Tree Canopy Walk, the first of its kind in Ireland, This 300m long creation of timber and steel gently rises 9m above the woodland floor and offers an engaging ‘birds eye’ view of nature as it meanders through the treetops offering panoramic views of the shimmering island studded lake.
Have you ever thought of having your party at Boda Borg in Lough Key?
The innovative, Weather Independent Boda Borg is a Swedish concept unique to Ireland and is challenging for both adults and children.
Once you enter the two-storey Boda Borg only teamwork, ingenuity, trial and error and skills you probably didn’t know you have will allow you to progress through its 47 rooms! It contains fun-filled activities, imaginative puzzles and enjoyable tasks but no instructions
Every adventure starts in your own mind… new paths are explored… together… with curiosity, laughter and excitement.
Go on………. Take the challenge!
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Pass the Bouquet
This is a hen party’s version of the classic Pass the Parcel game. You will need a small bouquet and a music player of any kind with speaker system.
The group forms a circle facing each other and the “DJ” who controls the music should have her back against the group so she wouldn’t be biased in any way.
While the music plays, the girls in the circle passes the bouquet around. The person who has the bouquet in her hands when the music comes to a stop is eliminated. To make it more fun, you can prepare a dare or a shot of cocktail for those caught with the bouquet in hand.
The last girl left holding the bouquet is declared the winner.
Ice Breaker
Hen parties doesn’t always involve people in the same circle. The group could be made up of the bride’s childhood friends, colleagues, neighbors, and relatives who haven’t met each other until the hen night.
Things could be awkward, so an ice breaker game is one way to introduce the girls to each other. One very common ice breaker used in hen parties is the name game. Yes, it’s been used a lot of times, but it never failed to bring everyone together.
Here’s you do the name game. Guests can sit or stand in a circle facing each other. The bride then starts by saying her name and an item she likes that has the same initial letter as her first name. For example, “Hello everyone, my name is Bianca and I like balloons.” The person then next to her does the same thing, except that she repeats what the previous person said, so it goes “Hi, my name is Caitlin and I like cats. Her name is Bianca and she likes balloons.”
Easy peasy, eh? Wait until the seventh or tenth person speaks up as this is where the fun starts to get crazy. Try using unusual words like “salopette”, “winklepickers”, “causeuse”, and “finnimbruns” and expect more giggles from the group!
Advice for the Bride
You will need:
A cardboard cut into any shape desired (most would go for a heart),
A fish bowl or any container for the cardboard cutouts, and
Optional: Keepsake box where the hen can keep the written advices as memento from her hen night
When guests arrive, hand them a piece of the cardboard cutout and ask them to write any marital advice for the bride to be.
You can give one of the classics like “Choose your arguments wisely. Some things just aren’t worth getting in a fight over.” Advices like “Act like he discovered the cure for cancer if he loads a dish in the dishwasher.” never fails to lighten up the mood of the room. For the bold guests who want to make the bride blush, you can write something similar to “Never go to bed angry. Besides, you want to make sure you clear the air before you crawl between the sheets so you can have great make-up sex.”
There are no holds barred for the advices, so channel the inner love guru in you and share your wisdom with the hen!
Once done, ask the guests to fold their cardboard into half and to to drop it into the bowl/container. Later on in the party, the bride to be will then be asked to read each of the advices out loud. If you have some prizes to spare, you can also ask the bride to pick which advice she loves the most.