28 Things That Happen At Literally Every Hen Party
A hen party is the ultimate ladies night, but anyone who's been to a hen party will know that they can be hard work. Your patience will be pushed, your dress will be ruined, your mascara will run and your friendships will be tested.
So pretty much like every girl's night out, but with more glitter and crying.

Of course, even though they can be a challenge, getting all the girls together to celebrate the bride is always a wonderful thing (even if you do want to drown the chief bridesmaid in prosecco by the end of the night.)
Our list of the 28 inevitable moments at every hen party should get you psyched for the big night. Read on and enjoy. Cheers ladies!
1. You all take absolute ages to get ready:

2. Pre-drinks finally begin:

3. You're playing the obligatory hen party games, and they turn a bit saucy:

source: imgur.com
4. But then the hen's future mother-in-law cuts you all with a look:

5. And because of the in-laws, the bride really isn't too impressed when you surprise her with a stripper:

source: tumblr.com
6. You all get decked out in "traditional" hen party accessories:

7. Someone gets too drunk before you've left the house:

8. And someone tries to saddle you with the drunk friend, but you don't wanna be the responsible one tonight:

source: reddit.com
9. The taxi comes, and it's time to round everyone up:

10. You finally get to the venue and make your grand entrance:

source: mtv.com
11. The pre-drinks have well and truly kicked in, so shots seem like a fantastic idea:

12. You venture out on to the dancefloor as a group:

13. But it ends up being less Beyoncé and more Britney during her 2007 breakdown:

source: wifflegif,com
14. One of the single girls starts crying because no one wants to marry her:

source: realitytvgifs.tumblr.com
15. Another one of the single girls makes the most of her singledom:

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16. You see the bride getting hit on at the bar, so you pretend to be her wife-to-be:

source: classicmovies.blogspot.com
17. Many, many selfies are taken in the toilets:

source: ideas-of-beauty.tumblr.com
18. While the selfies are happening, the bride is puking up the last 3 Jägerbombs:

source: tumblr.com
19. Someone starts drunk-dialling their exes:

20. Someone throws the mother of all tantrums (usually not even the bride):

21. The bride and her maid of honour have an unmerciful fight:

22. But five minutes later, they've made up and are closer than ever:

23. Someone gets a bit too enthusiastic and hurts themselves:

24. And it's down to you to get everyone ready to go home:

25. But in reality, you're just as drunk as everyone else:

26. You get to the chipper and order one of everything because why not:

27. You're in the taxi home and you realise exactly how wrecked you are:

28. Home time, and despite everything, you all still managed to have a great night:

Have you been asked to organise the hen, but party-planning isn't exactly your cup of tea? Why not book with Henit? If you plan with us, we'll do the legwork for you, including chasing up the payments, so you can sit back and chill out until the big night. Enquire here or give us a call on 044-93-6222. Ciao for now!